Kercheval Dance Policies
By registering for classes you are agreeing to our Studio Policies
Our mission is to provide all students with the proper tools, technical training, knowledge, and exposure to create a well-rounded, high-quality dance education. Our educators received their degrees and performed professionally internationally. We strongly believe in creating a comforting environment for all of our students to connect with those in their community, express themselves artistically, and grow by gaining confidence and self-esteem. Dance education and performance experience benefit all students, teaching them responsibility, dedication, time management, and discipline skills. These skills help our students prepare for positive futures, whether they dance through recreation or obtain a career within the arts.
Registration and Tuition
The non-refundable registration fee is $55 per family. You may register by email or online.
The first month of tuition is due upon registration. The remaining eight months of tuition will be due on the 1st of every month. We require recurring billing. Recurring billing allows you to authorize regularly scheduled charges to your Visa, Discover, or Master Card. You will be charged each billing period for the total amount due for that period. All charges will appear on your credit card statement. We require all accounts to have credit or debit cards on file to ensure timely payments are received. If you do not wish to do recurring billing, you may also make payments by cash or check before the 1st of each month. If the balance of the current billing period is not paid by the 1st, the balance will be charged to your credit card. There is a returned check fee of $30. There are no refunds on tuition or registration fee payments. All tuition paid in full at registration will receive a 5% discount.
Tuition is as follows:
Please Note:
-Payments remain the same whether the month is short (3 weeks) or long (5 weeks), regardless of absence and class cancellation due to inclement weather.
-No tuition refunds or credits are allotted for any class or program withdrawal.
-There is a returned check fee of $30.00.
-All late tuition payments receive a $20.00 late fee for each week's tuition that exceeds seven days past due. If tuition payments exceed 21 days past due, your child will not be permitted to attend class until charges are brought up to date.
-All payments are non-refundable/returnable
Cancellation Policy
Kercheval Dance reserves the right to cancel a class due to low enrollment. In this event, another class will be suggested. Any tuition is non-refundable if a student cannot continue in the recommended class and must withdraw.
We understand that communication is essential regarding the schedule and news within the studio. We send regular emails with information and reminders. The office must have all our families' current email addresses and phone numbers.
If you have questions, we strongly encourage you to ask them by phone or email. Kercheval Dance also regularly shares news, photos, and videos on our website and social media. Please check us out on the web for information and updates.
Dance is a form of auditory, visual, and kinetic education. Our dancers must be present and active in class to continue making progress. Muscle memory is developed through observing and physically practicing movement. Although we strongly encourage dedicated attendance, we understand that life happens. Please contact the studio if your student needs to miss class in the event of illness, injury, school, or family events. We ask that any student with a fever please stay home to protect the health of their classmates and teachers. Any student observing class due to an injury must have a doctor's or parent's note to ensure proper communication with your student's teacher and office staff.
If a designated instructor is unavailable to teach due to illness or a previous commitment, Kercheval Dance will provide a qualified substitute for the scheduled classes.
Private Lessons
In addition to group classes, we believe private lessons are the best option to catch up, maintain, or get ahead in solid technique and performance abilities. This creates a comfortable one-on-one environment where students receive individual instruction customized to their strengths and challenges. Please see our office staff sign up for private lessons. Lessons can be set up as ongoing or per schedule. Private lessons are set up in 30, 45, and 60-minute sessions. Private lessons can be paid outside of regular tuition through card, cash, or check and must be paid at the time of each lesson.
The costs are as follows:
$55.00 for 30 minutes (payment due at the time of scheduling)
$65.00 for 45 minutes(payment due at time of scheduling)
$165 for 45 minutes (Summer class only 6-8 dancers)
Holidays and Inclement Weather
The studio will be closed on the following dates due to holidays or school breaks:
​**Kercheval Dance will close due to inclement weather if the Grosse Pointe Public Schools and after-school activities are canceled. Dance is an after-school activity. It is best to assume Kercheval Dance will be open. Please check our website/Facebook/Instagram for upcoming holidays or snow day announcements. Information regarding closings is subject to change and is up to the hour. Most but not all announcements will be made before 1pm of the day in question.**
Dress Code
Class attire is essential to give your student the best possible instruction. Dance instruction focuses on proper alignment and requires students to dress appropriately to receive the appropriate instruction from their teachers. For all dance classes, dancers must wear appropriate tight clothing. This includes leotards, athletic tops, shorts, and tights for females. For males or option 2, a fitted T-shirt of any color and gym shorts. All dancers must wear one black leotard for designated choreography rehearsals. Please see the attire section of our website for more information.
Hair must be worn in a bun and pulled away from the face so dancers do not get distracted. We recommend that all dancers keep extra hair supplies in their dance bags. Hair must be worn in a bun for all ballet classes, no exceptions.
Cover-ups: Dancers are known for their "layered fashion." This is to keep muscles warm and receive positive attention for their outstanding performances, not short shorts. All female dancers must wear cover-ups when entering and leaving the studio. In addition, dancers are not allowed to wait outside the studio for rides dressed in their dance attire.
Classroom Etiquette
Kercheval Dance is a place to connect, express, and grow through the art of dance. We require proper behavior from all students and parents to provide the best environment and opportunity for our dancers to gain from their experience. Correct behavior ensures the optimum instruction within classes, allowing your student to gain the most knowledge and experience. Dancers are asked to arrive early for class. All classes will start on time, with no exceptions. Please contact the studio if any student must arrive late or leave early from class or rehearsal. If a student comes late for class, we ask that they wait at their studio door until the teacher can let them in at an appropriate time. Entering the studio in the middle of an exercise interrupts the focus and balance of their classmates. Please, no food or gum in the dance studios. Only water is allowed. No cell phones are permitted in the studio. If a dancer leaves their cell phone in the lobby area, please silence it.
Restrooms are available for dancers and staff only. All dancers should please use the bathroom before their classes so that they do not interrupt the pace of the class by leaving and re-entering. If a dancer needs to use the restroom, we ask that they visit the restrooms between classes. The bathrooms are consistently cleaned and disinfected.
Drop Off and Pick Up
We are happy to have a convenient drop-off area in our private drive at our front door. When dropping students off, please be sure drivers stay inside the vehicle; all moving traffic may pass, and dancers are dropped off quickly and safely. Please use the crosswalk when parking in the adjacent parking lot. Dancers finishing with the day's last class must be picked up promptly to ensure the consistency of our staff's schedules. This will also ensure time for studio cleaning and maintenance. **The Lobby is reserved for Dancers and Staff only.
Class Placement
Students will be placed into a given class based on their ability level and age. Our instructors and staff will observe all students regarding the designated syllabus for Kercheval Dance. If the studio director or teacher feels a student has been placed incorrectly, the student will be moved into the appropriate class. Dancers and parents are welcome to view the studio syllabus regarding levels.
Class Observation
The Lobby is reserved for dancers and staff only. Kercheval*Konnect is available to families of Kickstart and SideKick dancers to observe classes online. Please make sure the username reflects a registered dancer.
Showcase | Tickets
There is no additional fee for dancers to participate in the annual Showcase other than the purchase of tickets. You will receive separate information regarding the performance and related information. Rehearsal will take place during the scheduled class times unless otherwise posted. There will be one in-studio dress rehearsal before the performance during "Costume Week". Performing on stage benefits all dancers in many ways. Here, they can demonstrate their learned skills and gain confidence and self-esteem. Tickets will go on sale online before each performance in April. Further information can be found in your Spring Showcase information packet, which is provided online and via email before the Showcase.
One costume for each dance routine is required for performances. Students will be measured early during the season, and costumes will be ordered in October. Costumes for the Spring Showcase cost $98.00 per costume. Costume payments are due September 15th. We cannot order a costume for any student until the payments are received. Costume payments are non-refundable. All accounts will be charged with the credit card on file for costumes when applicable. Specific hair and makeup must be worn for all performances. If a dancer must withdraw, costumes and costume fees are forfeited and non-refundable/returnable.
Dance Team
Kercheval Dance Team is our competitive group of dedicated dancers competing in regional performance pieces. All KDT members must take at least 4-9 classes per week, as well as additional technique classes and rehearsals. KDT auditions will be held annually in May only. Additional opportunities to perform solos and small groups are available. Please contact the studio for further information.
Master Classes/Special Workshops
Kercheval Dance will hold Master Classes, special workshops, and our exciting Summer Remix, Splash, and dance kamp. Guest teachers will be brought in to teach additional classes and workshops. These workshops will cost an additional fee and are encouraged for all dancers. In addition, KDT members must take specific workshops, summer sessions, and dance kamp.
We wish to create the most positive environment and well-rounded education for our families at Kercheval Dance. We welcome all feedback to maintain an elite center for dance education. Please email us: at
"Practice the way you want to perform."
-Adam Gap